Tuesday 27 October 2009

First experience.

I was in the clinic the other day, and have my first volunteer patient in my third year of studies. I can say albeit I am nervous, I look forward to it!

My patient is over 60 years old female who is really friendly and lovely to talk to.

As usual, I start off by "Hi, are you Mrs ____? I'm Anna and will be testing you today." She is nice and we went to by asking her "How are you? And did you have a nice weekend?". (FYI: We had a module about communication skill.)

Later, she told me, "Anna is my favourite name." I'm so happy and replied "Thank you". Then we had a little chat then continue with my routine.

First she told me about her complain and I'll try to fix it. I checked her vision and I cannot go any further than what normally we get. She kept telling me that she sees double vision in one eye. I checked her muscle balance and she does not has any problem, at all.

The nerves ran up and my super-nice supervisor came in to my cubicle. I told him what I've done and can never get any further for her vision. Questions that he asked me gave me a really blank-mind and all that I answered was trial-and-error. *I feel ashamed in front of my patient!!*

After that, I check the back of the eye, then I discover that there's something in front of her retina. It looks like floaters of clog of fibres to me. "Ah-ha! That's the reason why she sees double in one of her eyes!" Not entirely the problem that I am bad in doing it.

The result is that she has Cortical Cataracts. Something like this:

I can see streaks floating around the viewing media. It scatters the light that went into the eyes, so that is the reason why she sees double in one of her eyes.

It was a REALLY good experience and she is a wonderful patient who is really patient of what I did. She made my day!

Leave a comment if there's any question about the eye that you would like to ask!

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