Sunday 24 July 2011

Missing Scotland

Withdrawal syndrome is fairly common after returning for good, from a place that I dearly love. Even if I stay there for longer, this day has to come.

I still remember just about two weeks ago in Glasgow, me and my parents were on a taxi to our car rental place, the taxi driver said to me, "Oh, I love your accent. Where are you from? You have a wee bit of Glaswegian accent!". Haha! I said, "Really? Well, I've been here for four years so I might have pick up some!" People said I've pick up some of the accent and I'm really happy of it! I hope not to loose it! I need to practice using 'aye', 'wee',... and other slang here. I'm pretty sure some people would give me a face. Haha!

Although I'm not a Scottish but I'm proud to have been there for four years, meeting really nice people, making my life in Scotland so wonderful. I would definitely go back again one day for a visit and reunion with my friends in university.

When I landed in Singapore on 15th July, I teared. It rained before I boarded to my another flight back to Kuching, and I hallucinated it as snowing. I did not do it on purpose but it just popped up in my brain that it snowed. Another incident was that I woke up from jetlag the next morning very tiredly, thinking it's so bright outside and it must be just 5am in the morning! (It won't happen in Malaysia to have sun already out at half past four in the morning, only UK!)

I need to settle down and to adapt to the weather first. I do not want anymore headache because of the heat!


Monday 18 July 2011

A new chapter

I've returned to Malaysia, for good.

It's a new page of life, with lots of adaptations to cope. First thing, jet lag!